7 nov 019 friction | ribbon | fiction release show

all shots taken and edited by boyhood fine art ©2019

19 apr 019 rhiz/vienna

all shots taken and edited by anna zet ©2019

17 nov 017 b72/vienna

all shots taken and edited by georg cizek-graf ©2017

releasing trouble beautiful trouble

all shots taken and edited by lili ka ©2016

WarHoles reveal their latest video, 'the man who could save the world', the second track taken from the band's first studio album 'trouble beautiful trouble', released in 2016 on IAM (Independent Audio Management)

The original footage used for the video was taken from the eponymous short movie filmed in 2013, written and directed by Sigrid Mayer, Sophie Wegleitner and been Orelian.

this is WarHoles in living pictures...
here is the new video 'cry baby'! find out what to do with your hands.


cheers, you fuckers!

the new single 'queen of o'

released in oct 2015